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New feature: Share only what’s necessary

When projects go wrong, it’s usually caused by self serving estimations, planning, communication or leadership failure. When projects go right it means that all of those have been on another level where leadership might even be the most important component.

A good leader should know many things, and one of which is, how much information their team needs. Since Ganttic is a great tool for having an overview of everything that’s going on, it might sometimes give away too much information which in turn might create confusion, and even overwhelm your team members.

Give your team just the information that counts!

When you are using Ganttic, there is a very small probability that there is a member on your team, that’s focusing on only one project or has just one task. It’s more likely they are juggling with ten projects and twenty tasks during one week. That is in no way small amount of information. So we hope you have already discovered that there are three types of users in Ganttic: owners, administrators and users.

In addition, there are Resource rights meaning that an administrator can choose whether an user can view or edit or neither a certain resource, and one could choose default resource permissions, so that one wouldn’t have to choose rights for every single resource (which is possible, too).

If you haven’t discovered it yet, please do. We are pretty sure you wouldn’t want your team members to collapse under the amount of information they are getting on a daily basis, and the key to that is only giving them the information that matters.

So what’s new?

Although Ganttic is based on resource planning, projects are an important part of it, and often planning world in Ganttic still goes around projects. This update makes working easier for those whose head is filled with project titles. As a new feature,  administrators can also choose between four options for project permissions regarding users: Hide project details, Read project details, Edit projects, Add/Edit projects. So from now on, not only can you manage information flow regarding resources, you can control projects better, too.

If you set restrictions to a project all the tasks connected to it will share the same privacy settings. When creating a project you can right away decide which users will be able to view or edit it.

And since, as said before, too much information can actually hurt rather than make anything better, this update is all about you, as a manager, controlling the information you are sharing with members of your team.

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